2013Interactive Presentation
With the addition of your Ipad we can give you an interactive 360 degree panorama which works with the gyroscopic technology of the Ipad to give you a “window” inside your rendered interior. This truly is a unique hands on experience and Digital Pigment Studio would be happy to meet with you in person for a demonstration. If you have an Ipad handy simply give us a call and we can help you get our samples on your Ipad for testing.
Example of Panorama on the Ipad
The Ipad allows for an instant and completely smooth viewing experience at an insanely high quality. (You just have to ignore the low quality Iphone shot camera footage)
Examples of Panoramas for use online
While these panoramas are shown at a low quality for speed – they can be uploaded at any quality and size you desire. On larger images the entire scene appears low quality initially (grayscale) and turns into color when data is downloaded. When the video is loaded hold down a mouse button and drag to move the camera.
Panorama of Indiana Soccer Complex (Floating)
Panorama from Concourse Level of the Indiana Soccer Complex
Panorama from Field Level of the Indiana Soccer Complex
Example of HQ Panorama for use online
High Quality Panorama from Concourse Level of the Indiana Soccer Complex
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